Ephesians resources

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  • Abs-of-Steel Man & Mr. Sad-Sack
    I saw a commercial once that said I just have to do whatever it takes to actualize my best me. And it makes sense, really. Doing results in being, cause and effect. Want six-pack abs? Just buy the right product and give your new, healthy lifestyle 110% for 10 weeks and maybe you’ll see results.
  • The Day of Choosing
    This day was a day of choosing. On this day, Jewish households would select their Passover lambs (Ex. 12:3-6). The lambs had to be without blemish, the best of the best.
  • The Ones Who Don't Do Anything
    On account of God’s graciousness in Jesus, we are the ones who don’t do anything
  • Epistle: Ephesians 1:3-14 (Christmas 2) or Ephesians 3:1-12 (Epiphany: Series C)
    St. Paul’s argument in Ephesians 1 shows that our salvation is necessary, not because God is bound by His own law, but because God willed it. Once God decides to be merciful, He will not do otherwise. Promise? Promise.
  • Getting Used to What Happened Tomorrow
    In God’s eyes, the last day has already happened in Jesus. We’ve already been made alive in Jesus, raised with him, and seated with him at the Father’s right hand.
  • In the Face of Suffering
    During my recent trip to visit my daughter and her family, my son-in-law got me hooked on Leah Remini’s A&E show, Scientology and the Aftermath.

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