Epistle: Galatians 6:1-10, 14-18 (Pentecost 4: Series C)
How do we preach a text of exhortation while keeping the sermon Gospel-centered? -
Epistle: Galatians 5:1, 13-25 (Pentecost 3: Series C)
The question is, how are you going to live out your life as someone who has taken up the Robe of Freedom? -
True Christian Liberty
The true liberty that Christ gives to us through the gospel is not political. It is spiritual freedom. It is freedom from fear of God's judgment and wrath. -
Freedom Under Attack
You who would be a law unto yourself, Christ is the gospel unto you, proclaiming you forgiven. -
The Escape from a Religious Sodom
In this religious Sodom, we had a Jesus with the heart of Moses whose gospel was a new and improved law. -
Is Batman Fulfilling His Vocation?
In Christian terms, this is a perfect example of the doctrine of vocation, where God calls us to serve our neighbor.
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An allegory of freedom
Who is a true child of God? Who is a true child of the promise? Paul gives a surprising allegory that helps us understand just how easily we fall into the trap of selling ourselves back into spiritual slavery.
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