Will There Be Animals in Heaven?
As our first parents had a bond with the animals, as Noah had animals with him in the reboot of creation after the flood, so after this old creation comes to an end, we will enjoy a new creation that includes animals. -
Running From God's Undeserved Grace to God
Jonah is not who you'd want to speak to an evangelism committee. In fact, it's arguable that he's the Bible's worst missionary.
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For You Radio episode 13: Heroes of the faith--Jonah
Heroes all have deep flaws and weaknesses. It is the same in real life as it is in myths. Craig and Troy take a look into the life and times of the Prophet Jonah. He is the kind of Bible Hero that we love to hate, but mostly because he is so much like us. What made Jonah tick? Why did he run when God told him to go to Ninevah? How does God work in spite of Jonah's weakness and rebellion? Listen to this episode of For You Radio and find out!
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