Matthew resources

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  • The End
    . . . and with that, Craig and Troy put Matthew to bed, wrapping up with a dive into the Great Commission
  • Greetings!
    Fear and great joy at Jesus' resurrection! But also rejection and refusal.
  • You don't know how right you are
    Jesus does not take the easy way out, but takes the hard path so that you don't need to.
  • Irony much?
    The irony of guilt and innocence abounds in this passage: Jesus is innocent but condemned; we are guilty but set free.
  • Preparation and betrayal
    The day of Jesus' death races ever nearer, and we see both a woman who believes upon Him and a man who betrays Him.
  • The screaming goats, uh-huh uh-huh
    Craig and Troy discuss a very familiar parable which is very often interpreted incorrectly. Your works don't count. Oh, and substantival participles.

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