Matthew resources

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  • The screaming goats, uh-huh uh-huh
    Craig and Troy discuss a very familiar parable which is very often interpreted incorrectly. Your works don't count. Oh, and substantival participles.
  • Maybe I Should've Dressed For This?
    Jesus aims His third parable at the self righteous who think their own clothing is good enough to merit God's kingdom.
  • Disney Dollars and the Son of David
    "Meek and mild" Jesus goes righteous rage on those who would turn a buck on what God would freely give.
  • Crisco-coated camels and non-existent needles
    The problem isn't your stuff, and it isn't your efforts. The problem is YOU. With God, even your salvation is possible, but on your own you're toast.
  • A thesaurus of good margaritas
    Craig and Troy riff on rapid-fire parables, and Jesus trains us for the Kingdom. Go back and check out our series on parables at
  • On wheat and weeds and mustard seeds
    What happens when Jesus tells a parable about His Kingdom? Craig and Troy discuss Christ's Kingdom operates.

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