Matthew resources

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  • "Here, have a boodle!"
    When Christ comes, it won't be about what you've done, but about who He is.
  • I don't know
    When will the end come? No one knows! So how can we be prepared?
  • Destruction, desolation, and deliverance
    Is this the end? Or is it only 70 A.D.? Craig and Troy discuss the propehetic words of Jesus.
  • The End was now
    When will the End Times come? Craig and Troy discuss Jesus' teaching that show the End Times are now . . . and have been now for the last 2000 years.
  • Partying with Jesus
    Why is it that wherever Jesus is, there is the party? Because to dine with Jesus is to be at one with Him, and He with us.
  • What's a B-Attitude?
    The Beatitudes aren't veiled Law, but pure gracious Gospel. Jesus tells us we are blessed when we are found in Him.

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