Matthew resources

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  • What do you get when you cross a sheep, a snake, and a dove?
    Jesus uses a lot of animal metaphors in order to instruct His disciples in how to interact with the world.
  • You want me to . . . what?
    Jesus sends out His Twelve Sent-Ones on their first mission. Why does He give them the instructions that He gives . . . and what's up with the staff?
  • The harvest is plentiful
    Jesus does Jesus stuff, but more Jesus workers are needed to do Jesus stuff, so Jesus apostles His disciples so that more Jesus stuff can get done . . . or something like that.
  • Called to Jesus University
    At the outset of His ministry, Jesus' authority is on full display. Authority over sickness, authority over demons, and the authority to call you to follow Him
  • A Carpenter, a Young Girl, and God walk into Egypt . . .
    . . . but the joke's on Herod. Joseph takes Mary and baby Jesus to refuge in Egypt, and all that happens in Matthew 2 is done in order to fulfill the prophecies of the Old Testament.

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