What the Bible’s Wisdom Books Say about Human Suffering
God does not give us an undebatable answer to suffering. Instead, God suffers, too. -
Old Testament: Proverbs 25:2-10 (Pentecost 12: Series C)
All of this is interesting and useful in preparing a sermon, however, there are no explicit words of Gospel in this text. How does one preach without shoe-horning the Gospel into the message, perhaps in an inappropriate or confusing manner? -
Old Testament: Proverbs 8:1-4, 22-31 (Holy Trinity: Series C)
These are not exclusive words for Israel, but for all the people of the Lord God’s creation. -
O Wisdom: Before Birds and Bees and Bonsai Trees
On each of the seven days leading up to Christmas Eve (December 17-23), Chad Bird will provide a meditation that focuses on the ancient “O Antiphons,” each of which addresses Christ by a different Old Testament name. Today’s reflection is on “O Wisdom.” -
The Heart: Like an 80's Chevy
We are saved by God's grace, apart from our work – so why does obtaining God's wisdom require such work? -
“Train up” or "Dedicate"? The Hebrew Gem in Proverbs 22:6
As important as the training of your children is, much more important is handing them over to God—from the very beginning, from infancy, and beyond.
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Discipline and Freedom with Chad Bird
We have Old Testament scholar, Chad Bird, on to discuss with us the ways we twist the book of Proverbs into a prosperity gospel, especially in regard to our ideas of family. -
Training Up a Child with Chad Bird
As we discuss ways that prosperity gospel sneaks into the family, we decided to start off by looking at the book of Proverbs, as these are often the verses that are cherry picked and often used to take prosperity gospel ideas in regard to the family. -
Finding Jesus in Proverbs 31
Is Proverbs 31 inspiring or burdening to women? Is it a passage that's just for women? What do you think when you think about Proverbs 31? Where is the gospel in this passage? -
Proverbs 31 with Chad Bird
We invited Old Testament and Hebrew scholar, Chad Bird, to talk to us about Proverbs 31. This passage talking about a wife of noble character is often discussed in women's Bible studies or events. It's used to inspire, accuse, exhaust, or at least show us some kind of standard that we feel we can never reach.
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