Romans resources

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  • Arrivederci Roma! Farewell to Rome
    Paul wraps up his “missionary support letter” by seeking support for the church around the known world in both spiritual and physical ways. A lot of names are mentioned--some we know, some we don’t--but God has used them all.
  • #24 “Weaker Brother or Self-Righteous Bully"
    If you admit that you’re the weaker brother, does that make you the stronger brother because the stronger brother refused to admit he’s the weaker brother? . . . or something like that.
  • #23 Orgies and drunkenness and licentiousness, oh my!
    Orgies and drunkenness and licentiousness, oh my! Sometimes Christians get hung up on the really “big” sins, but Paul lists quarreling and jealousy right there with them. What’s the connection? Craig and Troy discuss how love does no wrong to a neighbor, for love is the fulfillment of the law.
  • For You Radio episode 21: “Let your love be genuine!”
    “Let your love be genuine!” But what if it’s not? The Apostle Paul gives us a list that seems hard to fulfill. If it is up to us, we’re in trouble. But if it is all in Christ, it is done. Love! “Butwhat’s in it for me?” When we fail, we flee to Christ. We know what genuine love is by looking at Christ, and in faith we receive genuine love from Him.
  • For You Radio episode 16: Romans 10
    The gospel is not an if-then proposition for us to achieve by works, but a done-deal completion by Christ alone which we receive by faith. Even as a good tree bears good fruit, a living faith does living things: it confesses, believes and trusts in Christ above all things. Today, Craig and Troy dive into all of these issues and more on "For You Radio."
  • For You Radio Episode 9: Romans 6:20 and moving into Romans 7
    Romans 6 and into 7: We find that God works salvation in mankind by way of gift and not by works. What does it mean to be set free from sin and being a slave to God? Is that a good thing to be a slave and what does it mean to be set free into slavery? God works salvation in us, it is not our doing for the free gift of God is salvation, for sinners. Join Craig and Troy as they talk about all of these topics and more.

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