Romans resources

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  • I Confess: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and the Gospel
    Cognitive Behavioral Therapy works for me, not because it substitutes a temporal and flimsy antidote to my problems but because it points me to the God who has adopted and baptized me
  • Marked
    Our sin marked Christ. Jesus was marked with the scars of nails and a spear for us. His hands, feet, and side are marked with scars displaying the cost of our redemption.
  • Epistle: Romans 10: 8b-13 (Lent 1: Series C)
    The word of faith means the word that declares us righteous and gives us Christ’s own righteousness as a gift. At the start of the Passion Season, these texts call us deny ourselves and our pride that comes by our obedience to the Law, and to cast all of our sins, failures, and weaknesses onto Christ, to trust Him alone for our salvation.
  • Why Rules Alone Never Work
    Your eternal salvation isn’t dependent on performance or effort. Well, not your performance anyway...
  • The Law and the Falsely Terrified Conscience
    And so, when you preach the Law, you are also instructing the conscience and thereby forming it. For some of your hearers, this will result in activating their consciences, making them more sensitive, so they become more aware of their sin and more urgently seek the Gospel. For others, it is a re-instruction.
  • The "External Word" Is the Authoritative Word of God, Too
    The preached word ensured the work of the Holy Spirit, so long as it was the written word of the Gospel. Gospel preaching was the one domain in which we could be assured of the convicting, saving, and sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit.

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