Bible Verses That Haunt Me
The dying words of Jesus were not, “Make it worth it,” but “It is finished.” -
The Not-So-Empty Tomb of Jesus
Should we consider the tomb of Jesus completely empty, or just somewhat empty? -
Sinners, Wretches and Pond Scum
In response to one of my recent posts on social media, a beloved agnostic friend of mine commented, in part, “What’s with all you religious folk feeling like you’re sinners? -
Dirty Saints and Stain-Free Sinners: A Story
His face was gaunt and his eyes had a haunted look to them as he strode into the office. He resembled a man beaten down, a wreck of an individual who looked disheveled and worn out. -
I'm One of those Lukewarm Christians
On Sunday mornings, when I confess my sins, I say that “I am heartily sorry for them and sincerely repent of them.” But those adverbs are like two accusing fingers pointed at my less-than-heartily-sorry, less-than-sincerely-repentant heart. -
On Being Dad: Magic Kingdom (Part 2)
A little magic goes a long way. The kingdom of God is a kingdom of magic. Magic, hidden in the life, death, and resurrection of Christ.
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