1. A few minutes from where I live there is a flat trail that leads for miles through a thick forest.
  2. There are a few occasions in the Bible where the curtain lifts, and we get to peer into the inner workings of the Divine Court.
  3. We all look forward to Lent’s conclusion and the celebration of Resurrection Sunday. This is the Sunday of victory and joy as the Church enters into the reality that Christ has defeated death and hell, declared victory over such enemies and set history on its final course of consummation.
  4. In the world of martial arts, which I am the first to admit I am no expert in, there is a concept, particularly in Jujutsu and Judo, called seiryoku zen’yo or, “maximum efficiency, minimum effort.”
  5. If the cross were to happen today, not on Golgotha, but in our own locale, would we take selfies?

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