1. God has forgiven us our trespasses in Christ Jesus and it is his grace that begins the transformation process making us into little forgivers.
  2. Truly wondrous is the whole chronicle of the Nativity. For this day the ancient slavery is ended, the power of death is broken, paradise is unlocked, the curse is taken away, sin is removed from us, error-driven out, and truth has been brought back.
  3. The child was sleeping deep within the manger, sod, & hay. His tiny cries raised a heavn’ly din, on this most sacred day.
  4. This Jesus, Savior of sinners, does not do his work from afar. He comes to dwell with us, humbling himself, taking on flesh, that we might be redeemed.
  5. The miracle of the gift of faith is very much like the Christmas star. It came without invitation. It came without our deciding to accept it. It came without us choosing to believe it was true.

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