1. Miracles, for all their wonder and encouragement, rely on the dazzling of our senses to work. Because miracle-faith produces sensory-faith, it is of a poor quality.
  2. We trust God's Word because Jesus never fails us. He is our daily comfort when struggles and afflictions find us.
  3. There is no justification except by faith alone. The radical forgiveness itself puts the old to death and calls forth the new.
  4. The Gospels function like literary essays, composed with a specific thesis and purpose in mind. Each account of Jesus’s life acts as a treatise to show us something about the person and work of the Savior.
  5. I rededicated my life as many times as I could when the guilt was unbearable. I would read my Bible more and pray more, yet I still struggled. I knew deep down, I was breaking God’s heart with my failure at being his child.

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