Addiction (14)
  1. The addict’s condition speaks a hard truth: that we are all beggars before God, every one of us bent toward the grave.
  2. Now that the Lord of Sabaoth has involved himself, something ends, something is born.
  3. We must also address the stigma surrounding addiction within so many churches.
  4. When we cry to the Lord in our trouble, he will send us a preacher with words that deliver us from destruction.
  5. Only God's Word of Gospel can permanently help and heal the addicted.
  6. There is true help in the midst of our pain. Someone who suffered as we suffer, who embraced all our pain in his suffering and death on a cross.
  7. I’m a drug addict. Specifically, a recovering drug addict. More specific, a grateful recovering drug addict.
  8. He barely wakes to find himself nearly dead; even so, he can’t feel a thing.
  9. You matter so much to God that he would rather die than lose you. You matter so much to Jesus that no suffering was too much, no deprivation too burdensome, no punishment too severe for him to endure to have you as his own.
  10. “Why now,” I said to no one, or to myself, or to God. Whoever. I was drunk, strung out, mostly dead, hopeless in the darkness. I knew I’d done it all to myself. I didn’t need God to drive the point home.
  11. But I remember that that’s how it ended. Words. Wine. Blood. A sudden halt to the conversation.
  12. For the less we tell these stories of sin, the more it seems we are ashamed of the Gospel, for it is the power of God for the salvation of bad people.

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