Advent (331)
  1. Join Blake Flattley for an evening of his favorite music from Advent & Christmas
  2. Join Blake Flattley for an evening of his favorite music from Advent & Christmas
  3. Join Blake Flattley for an evening of his favorite music from Advent & Christmas
  4. Let us rejoice, then, in this grace so that our glory may be the testimony of our conscience wherein we glory not in ourselves but in the Lord (2 Cor. 1:12).
  5. More than that, as children of the One who is the Resurrection and the eternal Life, as children who have themselves been both justified and regenerated, live as if Christ has already reappeared, as if the parousia has happened.
  6. John the Baptist’s question in our text offers you an opportunity to help your congregation take seriously the doubts experienced by those who live by faith.
  7. No one comes to God except through Christ who took the jagged road of Calvary for you and me and opened-up the way previously blocked by death through His glorious resurrection.
  8. Weekend Edition for December 3-4, 2022
  9. It is terribly easy to set up our theology as a buffer against the real coming of the Lord and its consequences.
  10. When and how did the church start this season of anticipation?

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