In Scripture, laments are raw expressions of grief, but they always point to hope. What if our culture’s obsession with holiday lights is an unconscious way of crying out, “We need good news, and we need it now”?
The reality is Christ will come again with glory, to judge the living and the dead. We do our people and our communities no favor by hiding the truth of this coming Day.
Our waiting and longing for Christ’s return teaches us to long for real relationship with other believers, even when that relationship must be sustained at a distance.
Advent is something of a liturgical speed bump that slows us down lest we rush to Christmas but forget that the baby born in Bethlehem will return with glory and power to judge the living and the dead.
But miraculous as was Mary's faith and as extraordinary as was the manner of His conception, it is the identity and work of the boy which makes Him so significant, especially for your hearers.