Atonement (77)
  1. In the upside-down wisdom of God, the place of the cross becomes the place of life, absolution, and triumph.
  2. The story of Jesus's temptation has much more to offer than merely giving us a "how-to" guide on kicking Satan to the curb.
  3. Jesus took the poison of sin and drank the cup of wrath on our behalf to gain favor and righteousness for us.
  4. Every Christian should understand what it means to have a Great High Priest
  5. How Leviticus 17 is a key passage for understanding atonement
  6. I’m A Loser, Baby, So Why Don’t You Resurrect Me? In this episode, we discuss the difference between our ideas of Jesus as a “winner” who gives us big wins in life versus Jesus, who wins by losing to sin, death, and the devil. We read Gerhard Forde’s article “Loser Takes All” and consider how we bend Jesus to our ideas of satisfaction, safety, and success.
  7. This is an excerpt from “Finding God in the Darkness: Hopeful Reflections from the Pits of Depression, Despair, and Disappointment” by Bradley Gray (1517 Publishing, 2023).
  8. Hey Man, Nice Shot. In this episode, we discuss Rene Girard’s argument for why Jesus’ death as a scapegoat is unique to all other sacrifices in human history. What is violence for? What is a scapegoat, and why is one necessary for peace and good order? How does Jesus break the law machinery that demands a victim?
  9. What might Christians of the Reformation tradition think of claims like these about the nature of salvation?
  10. Maundy Thursday is your big night. For the Passover Lamb is given for you, given to you.
  11. Caleb Keith joins Kelsi to discuss Christ's atonement and the most common theories of the atonement, including Substitution, Christus Victor, and Exemplar or Moral.

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