Baptism (23)
  1. How does it... umm... how does it work? In this episode, Gillespie and Riley continue to read and discuss the Schwabach Articles. Baptism, the Lord’s Supper, Church, and all things churchy.
  2. Riley and Gillespie dig into the Doctor Angelicus and his catechism on Baptism.
  3. All the weight of our sin is lifted by Jesus, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the whole world, past, present, and future.
  4. Scripture is clear: God’s Spirit pursues sinners from conception to the grave with his life-giving Gospel and gifts.
  5. Peace comes when we give up worrying about self-interest, self-preservation, and self-satisfaction and instead keep our eyes fixed on good God and Savior Jesus.
  6. In this episode, Gillespie and Riley read St. Augustine’s response to the Pelagians, who used his earlier writings against him, about misrepresentation concerning the effect of baptism.
  7. When our mind betrays us, our body fails us, and our soul can’t be comforted, our Jesus now saves us.
  8. Jesus opened our ears and mouth when He baptizes us. Jesus put His fingers into our ears, speaks to us, and washes our sins away.
  9. Jesus is the end of religion.
  10. I’m going to begin at the beginning. But which one? Birth? Kindergarten? My first drink? The first time I had sex?
  11. Every Christian is abundantly rich through baptism.