Baptism (12)
  1. As both law and gospel are proclaimed, judgment and deliverance are miraculously pronounced over the hearer.
  2. A New Testament Survey of Baptism.
  3. Baptism, Faith, and Children of Promise.
  4. Demons, waterless places, and the sign of Jonah.
  5. John is preaching in the wilderness and baptizing people in the Jordan River.
  6. Did Jesus really descend into hell? And did Peter just say Baptism saves us?
  7. Paul asks to speak to his accusers and recounts the events that led him there. He says some amazing things about baptism but when he includes God sending him to the Gentiles, the crowd freaks out.
  8. Paul and Barnabas separate in a dispute over John Mark. Timothy is introduced and for some reason Paul has him circumcised.
  9. Daniel and Erick discuss the conversion of "threat breathing" Saul. A light and voice from heaven call Saul but a preacher and baptism finish the work.
  10. What is Peter's response to those looking to be saved? Who and what is baptism FOR?
  11. It's all about the authority of Jesus in this episode. It's shown in stories involving demons, pigs, forgiveness of sins and baptism. There is a lot to cover in these texts.
  12. Daniel and Erick explore the Baptism of Jesus. Why was He baptized? Why is righteousness at stake? What does it say about our repentance?