Christ in the Old Testament (166)
  1. The Christ Key: Unlocking the Mystery of Jesus in the Old Testament
  2. Limping With God: Jacob & and Old Testament Guide to Messy Discipleship
  3. Christ our Word, as with a two-edged sword, burst the devil's belly.
  4. The true King of Kings.
  5. As the writer to the Hebrews affirms, what makes the Christian gospel so much better is that we are no longer dealing with “types and shadows."
  6. God resolves his wrath through the unexpected giving of his Son.
  7. The king has arrived and has already begun his reign forever and ever.
  8. Only by faith can we believe the mystery that salvation in all it various forms comes through Jesus, the Son of Righteousness.
  9. The name of God invites us on a journey to see how God will remain present with his people, listen to their cries for salvation, know their sufferings in such an intimate way so as to incarnate them in Christ.
  10. It’s the notion of mercy that leads us to the atonement, and it is the atonement that provides a foundational basis for the justification of sinners.
  11. The legal record of debt for our sin was canceled because Jesus satisfied the legal demands for us by his life, death, and resurrection.

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