The year was 1680. We remember the mystic, adventurer, and self-proclaimed prophet, Antoinette Bourignon. The reading is from Kate Bowler, "Everything Happens for A Reason, and Other Lies I've Loved."
The year was 370. We remember the story of St. Regulus' fantastic escape with the relics of St. Andrew. The reading is from Anne Brontë, "The Penitent."
The year was 1978. We remember the first printing of the New International Version of the Bible. The reading is from N.T. Wright, "Simply Christian: Why Christianity Makes Sense."
The year was 1966. We remember the World Congress on Evangelism. Today's reading is a good word on the church's future from the Apocalypse of St. John.
The year was 1400. We remember the poet, servant, and pilgrim Geoffrey Chaucer. The reading comes from another English storyteller and Christian, John Bunyan, his "He Who Would Valiant Be" from the Pilgrim's Progress.
Stop Showing Off and Get Back in Line... In part two of our reading of Clement of Alexandria’s, The Praises of Martyrdom Those Who Offered Themselves for Martyrdom Reproved, we discuss when martyrdom isn’t martyrdom and why the topic is more relevant today than ever.
The year was 1456. We remember San Giovanni da Capistrano, the fiery Franciscan preacher, a heresy hunter, and septuagenarian soldier. The reading is a quote from John of Damascus.
The year was 1528. The reformer Brenz published his tract to stop the persecution of his rival Anabaptists. The reading is from Alice Meynell, "Easter Night."