Confession and Absolution (127)
  1. God gives us the power and authority to proclaim the forgiveness of sins to burdened sinners who entrust us with their pain, guilt, and defeat.
  2. Repentance is meaningless unless we are willing to acknowledge who we are: sinners needing mercy.
  3. Everyday Confessions and Learning How to Forgive
  4. Increasingly, to forgive is seen as winking at evil, as shrugging one’s moral shoulders, and as being complicit.
  5. Walking in the light doesn't entail a spotless moral record but rather an honest appraisal of who we are.
  6. This week, we are grateful to publish a series of sermons from our beloved late Chaplain, Ron Hodel. This is the fifth installment of that series.
  7. 1517 would not exist without the leadership, friendship, and faithfulness of Pastor Ron Hodel.
  8. Jesus does not put us on trial and make us pay for our own sin, but he, himself, is put on trial in our place.
  9. Luther recognized that in the penitential psalms, God gives us the words to cry out to Him in our distress, lament our sins, and confess trust in the promise of His righteousness in which alone is our sure and certain hope.
  10. Pastor Craft: Essays and Sermons is now available through 1517 Publishing
  11. Forgiveness of sins does not come in bits and pieces. There are no levels of forgiveness.
  12. The following several articles of Smalcald are concerned with the application of the Gospel.

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