The story being told in the film is not Bonhoeffer’s story. It’s not the Confession Church’s story. Nor is it the story of the German resistance against Hitler. It is a completely fictional story of Hollywood.
In this episode of Tough Text, Scott Keith and Daniel Emery Price discuss the passage in Matthew 16 where Jesus rebukes Peter after Peter confesses that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God.
Dr. Montgomery spent his life—even into his final year at the age of 92—contending for the whole Christian faith once and for all delivered to the saints.
In episode TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-SEVEN, Mike, Jason, and Wade discuss what it means that Christianity is credal, why this was such a big deal in the ancient world, and why it is becoming an increasingly important distinctive in the West today.
This is the second installment in our series entitled, God and Nature, which explores the relationship between our Creator and nature: how God uses nature, how we are meant to view nature, and how God chooses to reveal (or hide) himself in nature.
Surely a division now called the "Great Schism" should command our attention, but it is vital that we do not impute similar significance to all modern disagreements in the church.