Forgiveness (51)
  1. Godly, upright in heart, righteous. Sinful, sorrowful, wasting away.
  2. Hope is found precisely while we’re dead.
  3. The needy are not forgotten by God. He hears the cry of the afflicted.
  4. Everyone is stained by sin. Who can stand before God? Who can dwell in His holy presence? Only the one who walks blamelessly.
  5. We are talking about the abundance of forgiveness today, with special guests, Daniel Emery Price, and Erick Sorensen from the "30 Minutes in the New Testament" podcast.
  6. From the junkyard of my past, I assembled the scrap metal of self-preservation, self-righteousness, and unalloyed selfishness, to weld together a hollow divinity. In its core, I stuffed myself: a god without divinity, offering forgiveness with conditions, to sinners without love.
  7. There is a repentance that is anti-repentance, for it clings tightly to the sin over which it sorrows, because in that sorrow is its consolation. In this warped spiritual scheme, our anguish is atonement; shame is our absolution; tears are our baptism. We feel better knowing how bad we feel about our wrongs. But there is a much better way.
  8. Pastors are built from the same stuff as everyone else. That’s good, and that’s bad.
  9. Just as we believe ourselves to be forgiven because God sees us in Christ, so to forgive others is to see them as God sees them in Christ. To forgive, in other words, is to put God’s eyes in our eyes and our eyes in God’s eyes.
  10. For on the other side of the death of forgiveness is the resurrection of joy. An easter in which we emerge from the tomb in the arms of the man whose scars glow with mercy.
  11. Nothing is easier than making grace unamazing. Just do what comes naturally.
  12. Let's face it, Christianity is not for everyone.

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