Gerhard Forde (7)
  1. I’m A Loser, Baby, So Why Don’t You Resurrect Me? In this episode, we discuss the difference between our ideas of Jesus as a “winner” who gives us big wins in life versus Jesus, who wins by losing to sin, death, and the devil. We read Gerhard Forde’s article “Loser Takes All” and consider how we bend Jesus to our ideas of satisfaction, safety, and success.
  2. Sermonator 2: Judgment Day. In this episode, we read two sermons from Gerhard Forde and Steven Paulson, then discuss preaching to bound wills, the consequences for Christians when free will sermons are preached, and what’s to be done about bad preaching.
  3. In this episode, we discuss the good and bad of preaching, the difference between proclamation and teaching, how we lie to ourselves about God, and how to “preach the text” so that Christ is delivered “for you” for the forgiveness of sin.
  4. Renowned Luther scholar and professor emeritus of Systematic Theology at Concordia Seminary St. Louis, Dr. Robert Kolb, sits down with Kelsi to discuss two kinds of righteousness (or two fold righteousness).
  5. Did Jesus Have to Die For That Sermon? In this episode, we discuss Gerhard Force’s book "Theology is For Proclamation," specifically the focus and function of all Jesus’ preaching and how it defines Christian preaching in every generation.
  6. Caleb Keith is once again joined by Drs. Jim Nestingen and John Pless for a special recording in Bergen Norway.
  7. Due to a listener request, Caleb and Dr. Keith dive into the Theology of the Cross via Forde's On Being a Theologian of the Cross.