Dr. Paulson introduces chapter six of Outlaw God Volume One. Here Paulson uncovers an important assertion from Luther, and we do not want God to be God.
Steve Paulson and Caleb Keith talk about how reformed traditions handle the hidden God. The conversation also touches on the importance of preaching and the sacraments.
Steve Paulson introduces the doctrine of the hidden God. The conversation is followed by exploring Luther's dangerous idea of not just God hidden but God hiding.
The Christian faith as expressed in the Creed - Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Special guest Caleb Keith who is in charge of Podcasts for 1517.org, Co-Host of the Thinking Fellows Podcast and editor of the book Credo, now available at 1517.org
Caleb and Scott Keith sit down and answer and a handful of listener questions. Topics include particular sins, where should I go to church, is God Father Loving?