God (66)
  1. We love those who enable us to see our love for ourselves reflected back at us.
  2. True love isn't a thing. We can't find true love in our souls, soul mates, or safe spaces. We can't marry true love, buy it, or create it from scratch.
  3. Forgiveness, not love, can restore a relationship that’s top-heavy with negative emotions.
  4. What do we say when a Christian admits the church has driven them to atheism? And they don't mean ideologically.
  5. God is the only one who decides what we receive, when, and how it’s given to us.
  6. All God's fatherly goodness and mercy is concrete and real, born of a virgin, crucified for our trespasses, raised for our justification.
  7. When we get wrapped up in tying God down, when we worship and work in a way that seems good to each of us, it’s impossible to recognize God as loving Father and helpful Savior.
  8. You have us the Good News now give us the goods! This week, Gillespie and Riley give Oswald Chambers a second go-round, reading and discussing The Collision of God and Sin.
  9. This Isn’t a Good Place for a Yogurt Shop. Riley and Gillespie tackle a daily devotion from one of the OG of the Holiness Movement, Oswald Chambers.
  10. In this episode, Gillespie and Riley read and discuss Charles Spurgeon's sermon, "God or Self - Which?" This week, traditions, rituals, and a lot of talk about pastoral care.
  11. It's hard wired into our brain. We can't help ourselves.
  12. Love is the sum of the law. Love God with all your heart, spirit, and mind, and love your neighbor as yourself. That means that if love can't be done when it needs to be done then get rid of the law, because it's not lawful.

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