God (66)
  1. We prefer this to be switched around. We want something to happen in us before anything happens outside of us.
  2. The force of our love is violent. It is love acted out as, “I will love you in a way that’s best for me, and you’ll like it, and celebrate it, and reward me for it.
  3. No matter how loving we are, we don’t get bonus points with the Almighty for imitating Jesus. We love each other because we recognize that “this is one for whom Jesus died.
  4. When we think God is doing something for us here or there or everywhere, we are simply fixing labels and putting value on what we imagine God is doing for us.
  5. He always puts our life and salvation first. He’ll never accept our defeat. He’ll never quit on us. He’ll never leave us fallen and alone.
  6. If we get past Sunday School moralizing what do we discover in the Old Testament?
  7. Our Father works through us to meet the needs of others and to meet our need for Savior Jesus.
  8. In Martin Luther's Small Catechism he borrows a line from St. Augustine about what defines a "god."
  9. When we talk about love then, let us not talk about ourselves.
  10. Only the poor are in need of a Savior, and only the dead need faith, hope, and love delivered to them by the hand of the Almighty.
  11. Even “our faith” is a gift from God’s fatherly hand. Our performance, desire, and perseverance do not factor into God’s will for us.
  12. In Christ, the Word become flesh, this is a concrete, real fact. It is the bedrock foundation of the Gospel.

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