God's Word (28)
  1. God’s words do things. When God blesses you, you are blessed.
  2. In the first episode of 2024, Kelsi chats with 1517 Scholar in Residence, Chad Bird, about the benefits to reading the Bible in a Year, some helpful and guiltless ways to approach this goal and reading Scripture in general.
  3. The wicked and arrogant think they can prey upon the poor with impunity. Not so. Chad meditates on God hiding himself, it seems especially in times of trouble. Lament, interrogation of God and David’s frustration help us to see that though the work dis full injustice, God is closer than we think, and God invites us to cry and complain to Him. Izzi Ray sings “Why”
  4. The power of the words that procede from the mouth of God. Wow, Chad has lots of gems in this podcast. Rebekah Caggegi sings "I Love Your Words".
  5. Another beautiful meditation on the word of God which brings light to our darkened eyes. Izzi Ray sings "Turn My Heart, Turn My Eyes"
  6. As we continue our meditation on Psalm 102, Chad speaks of ambition that clouds our vision and distracts us from the things that really matter.
  7. When I finished this book, I loved the Bible, and the Bible’s author, even more. And I can’t imagine a better endorsement than that.
  8. In the midst of our worship, God admonishes us to remember His goodness, and don't harden our hearts like our ancestors when they forgot God in the wilderness.
  9. Do you ever wonder if God thinks His plan is worth all of the suffering that His son went through on our behalf?
  10. Psalm 8 is a trailer for the entire biblical movie, and the entire biblical movie centers on Christ.
  11. Better off spending one day in the courts of heaven with our loving God than a hundred anywhere else.

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