God's Word (28)
  1. Psalm 81 is another description of the errors of God’s people throughout history.
  2. The Lord looks down from heaven on the children of man, to see if there are any who understand, who seek after God.
  3. What do Habakkuk and Israel have? Nothing but the word of God. Nothing but the promise of God. Nothing but God himself.
  4. These treasures show us that, no matter how well we think we know this poem, there’s always more layers to uncover.
  5. If he was not flesh, who was hung on the cross? And if he was not God, who shook the earth from its foundations?
  6. There’s some wild and untamed prayers in the psalms. But they’re fenced in by order, symmetry, predictability. They organize chaos. And they bring order and hope and stability to our chaotic lives.
  7. But that’s the way he rolls, isn't it? By misquoting, manipulating, and ripping God’s word out of context, the devil wields it as a weapon to drive us to doubt and pride.
  8. O dry bones, hear the word of the Lord. Thus he says to these bones. Behold, I will cause breath to enter you, and you shall live.
  9. These words sum up the whole person and work of our Messiah. Here is the Gospel in Hebrew.
  10. Isn’t it strange how the Jesus we end up with bears such a striking resemblance to ourselves? Our Jesus thinks as we do, acts as we act, speaks as we speak.
  11. You think the sower sowed his seed in you because he saw such good soil, such a good, generous, noble person.
  12. Leviticus, far from being an esoteric relic from Israel's past, is a Gospel book of the church. It teaches of God's holiness, His love, His sacraments, His worship. It is a book we desperately need to recover. But, yes, it is hard to understand, especially why there is all this focus on sacrifice.

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