Gospel (27)
  1. On a recurring basis, Christians spot news headlines that signal yet one more moral collapse in society, the growing paganization of the cultures in which we live, the spread of antipathy toward the faith.
  2. We fly away to the judgment seat of God. There we shall appear before the One who knows all, before whom nothing is hidden. Do you really think you can conceal anything from Him?
  3. Real theologians can’t shut up about who Jesus is and what he’s done on your behalf. So-called theologians with little interest in Jesus may be book smart but they're Gospel stupid.
  4. There are many funeral songs I wouldn’t be caught dead singing. Why? Because my funeral will not be about me.
  5. Dear church, do not get sidetracked. This is about far more than terrorism, racism, gun ownership, and the like. This is about the evil of the human heart.
  6. There is no pain like the pain of being mistreated by those who, above all others, you expect to love you unconditionally.
  7. The first person who attempted to stop people from talking about Jesus was not a tyrant, a secular government, or a bully religious mob.
  8. We harbor a clandestine doctrine in our hearts: we secretly hope there is a purgatory.
  9. Jonah wanted nothing more than to be a safe preacher. His Lord could get carried away with love at times. He let it get the best of him.
  10. First words may be simple, but they affirm a deep, abiding truth.
  11. Ultimately, however, I fell in love with traditions—and specifically, traditional worship—for a single, overarching reason: its components, to varying degrees, are all in the service of the Gospel.

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