Gospel (9)
  1. In the liturgy, Christ is present, self-giving, and ever-addressing his people.
  2. "When God has his say, have confidence that his Word and sacraments bestow precisely what he says."
  3. Sin affects body and soul, right down to the core of our humanity. It calls for a drastic cure, for extreme measures.
  4. We still think we can sort own own problems with more money, more education, more resources, more techniques, more, more, more.
  5. The Lord’s prayer is a prayer in perfect accord with the will of God, and Jesus gifts it to us to plagiarize at will.
  6. Preaching the intensities of Lent and Holy Week’s gospel pericopes means dispensing with romanticized interpretations and allowing the texts to self-present, be they ever so uncomfortable or forceful.
  7. We don't make Church "happen." Only Christ can do so. It's his happening.
  8. The season of Lent gives almost unparalleled opportunity for preachers to placard before their auditors the Cross of Christ and beckon Christians to take up their cross and follow Him.
  9. Cliché preaching may be symptomatic of shallow, consumerist culture, perpetuating a problem rather than the solution.