Gospel (12)
  1. Craig and Troy listen to the final piece of Dr. Rod Rosenbladt's classic lecture on the relationship of the church, Christ, and those who are estranged from the one but not the other.
  2. Dr. Rod Rosenbladt's classic lecture on the Sad and Mad ones who have become alienated from the church has many rich treasures to offer us.
  3. Craig and Troy return to the font of Dr. Rod Rosenbladt's teaching, and in the process we remember why we must continually return to the font of Christ's grace.
  4. The sainted Rev. Dr. Rod Rosenbladt's classic presentation of the gospel being for the believer and unbeliever alike.
  5. As Christmas approaches, the Fellows take on a long time listener request to define our terms.
  6. This week the Thinking Fellows talk about the Gospel. What is meant when we say the word "Gospel" and how does it relate to our earlier topics of Sin and Law? Sit back relax grab a drink and find out as Drs. Rosenbladt, Keith, and Francisco tackle these questions.
  7. All other subjects—even Biblical subjects—were subservient to an accurate view of the Person and work of Jesus Christ for sinners.
  8. Sinner: I see. I see for the first time. It’s clear to me. You died for me and for my sin. You took my verdict. God: I did.