Grace (309)
  1. In grace, God chooses to love his people.
  2. The love of God is creative, always giving, always reviving.
  3. In Scripture, laments are raw expressions of grief, but they always point to hope. What if our culture’s obsession with holiday lights is an unconscious way of crying out, “We need good news, and we need it now”?
  4. It is Jesus himself who is the ladder by which sinners get to God, not by them climbing up but by God climbing down.
  5. This week on Tough Texts, Scott and Dan explore Romans 5, a chapter that addresses the concept of original sin and its implications for humanity.
  6. We can do nothing to warrant entry into the kingdom of God nor are we getting in if we think a seat at God’s table is something to which we are entitled.
  7. The Thinking Fellows are live from the Here We Still Stand regional event in North West Arkansas.
  8. The gospel is for sinners – both the tax collector and Pharisee, both in need of the Great Physician.
  9. Some part of us always wants our ability under the law to be just as important (or more) than grace.
  10. Applying the pressure of law to ensure you do not to take grace for granted squeezes the life and power out of the gospel.
  11. Jonah’s biggest blunder was a failure to understand that God’s grace is always undeserved and always falls on those who are unworthy of it.
  12. Kelsi chats with singer/songwriter, Andy Gullahorn, about his writing process and the impact of ending stories with the good news of grace and the gospel.

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