Grace of God (13)
  1. Psalm 123 contains some of the most beautiful descriptions of the life of faith, describing how we look to God until “He shall be gracious to us” as we wait in hope.
  2. Psalm 50 is rebuke to those that either think they are too important, or they think God doesn't notice their acceptance of sin and hypocracy.
  3. The more awareness we have that we are weak and low and frail and incapable of doing this thing called life, the more perfectly we are positioned to meet the God of grace.
  4. The Lord told Moses to give a blessing on the people of Israel.
  5. Psalm 2 ends by describing the state of blessing for those take refuge in God. In this life we are often left to wondering why God, who loves the world so much, is so rejected and hated by so many that He created.
  6. Moses highlights how ultimately short life is in the light of eternity.
  7. The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” But the fool also says in his heart, “There are many gods.” And we, dear friends, are the fools.
  8. We get the exact opposite of what we deserve.
  9. It was Jesus who appeared to Hagar, comforted her, and gave her the promise of future blessings. It was Jesus who came to her when it seemed everything and everyone else had let her down.
  10. What we see in the face of this God is not a loathing expression. We find the face of a compassionate man who knew all about shame himself.
  11. As it turned out, the novels in which I had sought escape, became part of the means whereby the Lord rescued me from my own death.
  12. Here’s what lurks beneath this seemingly righteous behavior: they wanted to make a name for themselves, these tower-builders.

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