Grace of God (63)
  1. Ruth shows grace to Naomi. Boaz shows grace to Ruth and Naomi. And God is behind the scenes, working grace to all.
  2. Moses highlights how ultimately short life is in the light of eternity.
  3. Like the Israelites of old, Naomi enters into the Promised Land, but she does so grumbling with bitterness. Is she wrong to blame God? What is God doing?
  4. We need to remember that we belong to God by Grace Alone. It’s not by our best works. Not by the sweat of our brow, it’s not even by our best attempts to repent.
  5. There is not a soul who crosses the threshold of the sanctuary who is excluded from the message of the gospel of forgiveness.
  6. As we live as the children of the Father of lights, the giver God, he will keep on pouring out his gifts, and they will overwhelm us more and more.
  7. The enemy comes with his wounding, haunting words, and I stand behind my advocate Christ the Lord. He gives me more words, better words, truer words.
  8. God doesn’t permit me to write you off regardless of who you are or what you may have done. Nor does he allow you to dismiss me because I might not fit your image of a vessel of God’s mercy.
  9. As Craig and Troy crack open the book of Galatians, Saul the Christ-hater becomes Paul the one sent by Christ. He knows what gospel is, so why have the Galatians forgotten?
  10. The more we demand from Christ, the more of Himself He gives to us. When we demand a glass of grace, He gives us an ocean of Gospel.
  11. Cheap Grace, a monument to compromise. Gillespie and Riley continue their conversation about Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s book, The Cost of Discipleship. This episode, more talk about grace, Nazis, and why the Gospel “but” is so important.
  12. Cheap grace... some people would pay top dollar for that kind of breakthrough. Gillespie and Riley take a listener request and discuss Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s book, The Cost of Discipleship. Grace, discipline, Nazis, and why context matters in this episode.

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