Lectionary: Series A (58)
  1. A close examination of the entire life and ministry of Jesus reflects the Exodus event, and Jesus is the New Moses/the prophet like Moses.
  2. We preach, teach and confess the virgin birth, and rightly so, but the actual sign is not the Virgin giving birth, it is the Child who is born.
  3. For the Israelites, the language of restoration cannot be separated from the language of resurrection.
  4. In chapter 41 the servant is identified as Israel, but chapter 42 is a different servant. In fact, Matthew 12:18-21 makes the ID clear—this Servant is Jesus!
  5. Solomon asks for what is necessary to carry out this task, an understanding/wise and discerning mind.
  6. If the LORD is faithful to His Covenant—and He must be—then He will remember His people and take action.
  7. “God with Us”...is a common theme throughout Scripture: No one else has a God like ours, who is truly with His people.
  8. Isaiah’s beautiful prophetic language describing the, “Coming of the Promised One,” is very familiar to us, but the challenge is always to determine to which coming of the Messiah Isaiah’s prophecy is pointing towards.
  9. Isaiah 11:1-10 provides us with an Advent text capturing the beauty, excitement and reality of both the first coming of the Messiah and the second coming.
  10. Isaiah 2:1-5... is a beautiful eschatological prophecy focusing on the era of peace that comes along with the coming of the LORD.