Lectionary: Series B (547)
  1. In order to find hope, you would have to run a marathon through your Bible to find where God reverses the curse on another tree!
  2. To be a Christian, to be perfectly sane, is to appear in this world like you are crazy. That is, we will look and sound like Jesus.
  3. There are some commentaries preachers ought not be without. One of those is Mark Seifrid's commentary on 2 Corinthians!
  4. The Church’s suffering will bring with it a stronger faith in Christ and a bolder proclamation to a world in need of the life Christ alone can give.
  5. Through His Word, Jesus is fashioning and forming us to be His disciples who follow Him. It is important on this first Sunday after Pentecost that we remember to put worship (sabbath) first.
  6. We live under one Lord, Jesus. We rejoice that He is a good Lord who loves, forgives, and cares for us
  7. On this episode of Preaching the Text, John Hoyum and Steve Paulson discuss a story from Mark's gospel in which Jesus' disciples are accused of violating the Sabbath commandment for picking heads of grain on the holy day.
  8. We look on the face of God in Christ and rejoice on account of His shed blood and righteousness which sets us free to be the people of God.

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