Lectionary: Series B (496)
  1. On this episode of Preaching the Text, John Hoyum and Steve Paulson discuss one of Christ's predictions of his death, this time from Mark 10.
  2. When we recognize the reality of our insignificance as individuals and as a human race, we begin to marvel and cherish this grace of God more fully.
  3. By looking to Him in faith we receive healing and eternal life through the salvation He bore for us on the cross and secured in His resurrection.
  4. The Gospel is so clear, so simple, so pure in these verses that it is well worth heralding as is, without comment.
  5. On this episode of Preaching the Text, Steve Paulson and John Hoyum talk about one of the most famous passages of scripture which speaks of salvation through the death of Christ.
  6. The Law does its work of killing so we are drawn to Christ who makes us alive by His death and resurrection.
  7. Christianity is not principally about ethics. It was the Cross on the Hill rather than the Sermon on the Mount which produced the impact of Christianity on the world.
  8. Belief in Jesus is no longer a given. Today, we need to make a case. Today, we must give an account.

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