Lectionary: Series B (496)
  1. These statutes are a description of what the child of God looks like—how they walk, talk, teach, live, and have their being!
  2. Hypocrisy continues to rear its head as the formalistic worship and worshippers neglect their LORD and their neighbor.
  3. Is this text about marriage or Jesus? The answer should be obvious by now: Yes!
  4. No longer do we read about Jesus promising to satisfy and raise and abide in His people. Instead, we encounter a Jesus who goes on the attack.
  5. So many distractions—so many false and foreign gods—so many side paths and rabbit trails. What choice, what decision? Who will we follow?
  6. God’s Word of forgiveness, new life in baptism, and life given in the Lord’s Supper direct our lives in this world of sin and cause us to follow Christ’s light through the darkness.
  7. Jesus, the Son of God from all eternity, the agent of creation, the Savior of all people, promises to abide IN His people.
  8. Instead of providing a way out, the LORD gave Elijah a way through, which included the calling of Elisha as his apprentice.
  9. The baptized, those rescued and redeemed by God’s grace alone through faith in Jesus Christ alone, are given an entirely new life to live, an entirely new way to walk.
  10. Jesus promises more than a disembodied “spiritual” existence after death. He has promised to raise our perishable, mortal bodies to immortality.
  11. The presence of the Glory Cloud at the presentation of the manna makes clear who is providing this meal.
  12. In His grace, Jesus promises that all who come to Him in faith will live abundantly and eternally.

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