Lectionary: Series C (327)
  1. The reality is Christ will come again with glory, to judge the living and the dead. We do our people and our communities no favor by hiding the truth of this coming Day.
  2. Our waiting and longing for Christ’s return teaches us to long for real relationship with other believers, even when that relationship must be sustained at a distance.
  3. In Jeremiah you cannot have comfort and consolation without a clear understanding of judgement.
  4. For almost three years, I have produced a weekly video in the series “Reading the Gospels through Hebrew Eyes.” Here is an index of all the Gospel readings covered so far, with links to their YouTube videos.
  5. The epistle text from Colossians 1 declares how the great drama of redemption and human history ends.
  6. As the church year ends, we are not give a vision of Jesus on His throne, ruling over a new creation. Instead, we see Jesus ruling from the cross. His grace comes in the midst of suffering and pain.
  7. We look forward to the return of Christ, which fills us with hope that there really is an end to this marathon called life.
  8. The Gospel outpaces all would-be and eventually fleeting identity-makers and brings in the truth of a renewed-in-Christ humanity.
  9. When God does not give you a life free from suffering, He calls you to look for Him in the midst of suffering. There you find Him doing His work, giving you words to speak and promises to hold onto.

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