Lectionary: Series C (426)
  1. God remains recklessly, wastefully, even foolishly generous with us. And through us, He is reaching out in the same way to all His human creatures.
  2. , God puts Himself on trial in order to demonstrate to His people that He is their only qualified deliverer.
  3. When you see even the best of who you are apart from Christ, you are not only ready to give it up, but you cannot wait to flush it away.
  4. Christ’s righteousness, now our own, calls us into a similarly radical work of reconciliation in the world.
  5. The first Exodus for God’s people was from Egypt. The second Exodus is for the exiles in Isaiah. The greatest Exodus would be for all people with Jesus.
  6. He received his father’s love, forgiveness, and celebration. But was he ever tempted to wander again?
  7. Jesus leaves us hanging. Does the tree improve? Does the owner of the vineyard even grant the vinedresser another year? Or does the tree finally get the ax?
  8. The promise is rooted in the fact that the only way we can endure any ounce of suffering in this life is because Jesus Christ.
  9. The question is: Who is the watchman? By whose blood are we accounted for as righteous before God?

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