Lectionary: Series C (22)
  1. This Good News which we cling to in hope is that, despite our restless and often fruitless seeking for meaning and belonging, God Himself sought us. God seeks, and God finds.
  2. I regularly hear this phrase in my head and heart: Somebody has to tell them. Someone must speak this truth into their situation, and there are a lot of occasions when I wish it were not me.
  3. The reality is Christ will come again with glory, to judge the living and the dead. We do our people and our communities no favor by hiding the truth of this coming Day.
  4. To preach Christ and Him crucified is to reveal again the revealed God who saves.
  5. This parable does its surprising work of turning everything upside-down, as Christ’s Kingdom always does.
  6. The Kingdom will be manifest when the King wills it, and rest assured, He is a good King.
  7. Jesus cares about the daily details of ordinary bodies and creaturely comforts, just as He cares about the eternal well-being of our souls.
  8. On the one hand, forgiving as Jesus commands us feels impossible. But on the other hand, forgiving as we have been forgiven is the most natural thing in the world
  9. What Jesus promises is better than justice. Jesus promises grace.
  10. This is not just a pericope about hereditary sin and actual sins, nor is it providing a pattern for prayer. It is fundamentally about God our gracious Father and His promise to hear us, answer us, and provide for us.
  11. But it is not always helpful to create tidy categories of good and bad and to say, “Stop being ‘a Martha’ and do a better job of being ‘a Mary.’” That is a dangerous sermon to preach. In doing so, we can fall into the very thing we see Martha doing.
  12. The parable of the Good Samaritan is both a call to faith in Jesus and a call to love our neighbor.

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