Red, Red Wine… In this episode, we discuss Norman Nagel’s Lenten sermon on Jesus’ parable of the vineyard workers, focusing on the gift-giving God and what interferes with Jesus being a gift for us.
This is the message of Lent. We are not called to sacrifice for Jesus in order to earn our salvation. Rather, we are called to remember the sacrifice that Jesus made for us.
Idol Talk. In this episode, we return to Simone Weil’s book, Gravity and Grace. Idolatry is the topic of conversation. What is an idol? In what ways does idolatry infiltrate our churches, and what are the consequences? How do we guard against it?
The Right Man for The Job. In this episode, we finish reading and discussing Leo the Great’s Lenten sermon about Christ’s two natures. What happens when the old Adam adds to Scripture’s witness to Jesus’ two natures?
God Really Bodies Our Salvation. In this episode, we read and discuss a Lenten sermon from Leo the Great. What happens when the two natures of Christ are divided?