Love of Neighbor (178)
  1. Inside every relationship, there’s a gap.
  2. Thank you for all you do to encourage me, pray for me, and remind me of the grace of Christ which forms the foundation of all I write.
  3. The flower of youth, as lovely as it is, cannot withstand the hot winds of time. There is a beauty, however, that remains.
  4. One thing is for certain: my day was heaven compared to his. My minor headaches nothing compared to whatever he was going through.
  5. Being a Christian is hard because it’s easy.
  6. I have my list. It may seem strange to you, but, when I think about my own death, I often think in terms of positive failures.
  7. For many, there are days when they’re as excited about going to work on Sunday morning as you are about going to work on Monday morning.
  8. The only thing Hobbits love more than a good meal, is good company with whom they can share it.
  9. When God is at work, oftentimes the best activity is non-activity, the best speech is non-speech. Sometimes God wants us to shut up.
  10. We chase after status, wealth, luxury, glory, honor, youth, beauty, and pleasure. We work ourselves to death. For what?
  11. It's a January day in New York City and the building I work in is just off the water. What this means is that it's cold out and not just cold but cold with a biting wind. As the phrase goes, "you can feel it in your bones."
  12. They may also be fellow sufferers who’ve hit their own bottom with you. Whoever they are, they wear the mask of Jesus the crucified. In them and through them the Lord is at work to love you.

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