Love of Neighbor (178)
  1. In schools and on barstools and in delis and where two or three gather, your Savior turns you loose to encounter those who are delightful and loveable.
  2. We aren't cancelled yet. Maybe this will be the show! Come and witness history...
  3. Is it cooler to think there is a grand secret conspiracy based on human trafficking or that human trafficking happens far more often and far more normally than we are comfortable with? And how did we create a culture that produced Marilyn Manson and is simultaneously shocked and offended by him? Oh yeah, we are really all idiots incapable of running our own lives let alone the world!
  4. Regardless of my experience, my talents, or even my mood, it’s these gifts of Christ that I have to give away. They are all I have, and they are everything.
  5. In between boarding up your windows and hauling 5 lb. drums of peanut butter down to your basement, grab a hot rum toddy, pull your muck boots up, and inject yourself with a little reality in Jesus with the Preachers.
  6. Fred Rogers did not teach children how to live through a pandemic, but he had many profound things to say about loving our neighbors and finding our identity in that calling.
  7. Whoever your president is, you have a King. A King who elected you.
  8. This new life is marked not by fear of death but hope in eternal life.
  9. We need a God who acts for us, each of us in particular. We need a God who sticks to His Word that He will never abandon or forsake us.
  10. Elections and presidents and politics and voting. Repent and believe the good news! Everything will be ok.
  11. God uses the fifth commandment to protect us from selfishness, prevent us from only thinking about our needs, and to drive us to Christ and our neighbors.
  12. Christ crucified is at the heart of both our freedom from sin and death and our freedom to serve and love our neighbor.

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