What I Choose Is My Choice! Gillespie and Riley continue their reading and discussion of Luther’s treatise on the bound will. This episode, what happens when God’s election of sinners in Christ Jesus is de-emphasized?
You Want The Truth? You Can’t Handle The Truth! Gillespie and Riley begin their series on "The Bondage of The Will," one of only two books Martin Luther wrote that he claimed were worth preserving. In this episode, we begin at the end.
Papa, can you hear me? In this episode, Gillespie and Riley read and discuss the Marburg Theses. The Reformers, Luther and Zwingli (and their colleagues), sat down to try to find common theological ground. What resulted has influenced the Church to this day.
The Brutal, Humiliating, Joyous Christmas Gospel! Gillespie and Riley return this week with another episode dedicated to Martin Luther's Christmas sermon. This time, they dig into the underlying brutality of the Christmas Gospel, Mary's humiliation, and Joseph's dilemma.
Christmas: the Perfect Time of Year for a Theologian of the Cross! In this episode, Gillespie and Riley read from a Christmas sermon by their favorite heretic, Martin Luther. They discuss Mary's example of how God makes theologians of the cross through suffering, oppression, weakness, and hopelessness.