Melanchthon (36)
  1. Caleb and Scott answer two listener questions.
  2. Dr. Paulson and Caleb discuss Philip Melanchthon and the 1521 Loci Communes.
  3. Trusting in Christ’s promise of new life and deliverance powers our ability to view the world with perceptive sensitivity and, therefore, to treat others fairly in the way we think and the way we experience life.
  4. The scope of catechesis from the Reformation was broad and included not only instruction at church but in the home and in schools.
  5. For what end does the Law exist? The Law exposes us so that we might find the remedy in the person and work of Jesus.
  6. On this episode Wade and Dr. Keith square off over two influential characters in the early Reformation: Philip Melanchthon and Matthias Flacius Illyricus.
  7. Between the years 1550 and 1560 the giants of the Reformation are dying. The Fellows discuss the political and theological turmoil that occurred as a result of the Smalcald war.
  8. In honor of the anniversary of Philip Melanchthon’s Birthday, the following is an excerpt from Meeting Melanchthon written by Scott Keith (1517 Publishing, 2017).
  9. On the fourth episode of our series on the history of the Reformation, Dr. Keith walks listeners through the early stages of Melanchthon’s theological development and contributions.
  10. I have a confession: I don’t believe the Bible is true because it says it’s true.
  11. Dr. Keith is once again joined by Dr. Jim Nestingen, this time to discuss the relationship between Martin Luther and Philip Melanchthon.
  12. This short series has attempted to show that many, if not all, of the attempts that have been made to reveal or identify tensions or error in Melanchthon’s theology.

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