Jesus does Jesus stuff, but more Jesus workers are needed to do Jesus stuff, so Jesus apostles His disciples so that more Jesus stuff can get done . . . or something like that.
You ARE salt and light. By our new nature in Christ, we do salty and light things. But how is God glorified in the things that we do?
Mercy, peace, and pureness of heart are not something we find in ourselves, but we find them in Christ, and in Christ we are found to be all those things.
At the outset of His ministry, Jesus' authority is on full display. Authority over sickness, authority over demons, and the authority to call you to follow Him
Professor and author John Pless joins Craig and Troy to discuss what God calls us to do in our everyday, ordinary lives. The theological name for this is "the doctrine of vocation," but John helps us to see how this is a practical and grace-centered teaching.
Pastor Paul is perplexed over the presumptiveness of people of a pugnacious persuasion who consider themselves to be in a position to pass over the Gospel.
God's Word stands objectively true. God's Word is not subject to our feelings or culture. Craig and Troy discuss how the Word operates on us, and you get a few 50-cent words in the mix.
It's hard to be the church when we can't gather as the church. Craig and Troy talk frankly about the difficulties and struggles that come from exceptional times. `
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