Ministry of the Church (1613)
  1. Whatever else may be said about the Last Day it consists of these two inseparable things: Christ’s coming and His kingdom people being gathered to Him.
  2. The name of God invites us on a journey to see how God will remain present with his people, listen to their cries for salvation, know their sufferings in such an intimate way so as to incarnate them in Christ.
  3. The words of Jesus shine with a graceful brilliance among the broken fragments of this world.
  4. Through water, blood, and word, the Spirit never stops pointing us to Christ, and even more, giving us Christ.
  5. There is no true life and meaningful community apart from forgiveness.
  6. No efforts to create worship as a delectable dish to attract people to our services will ever work, because it is only what God gives to us in His Word and Sacrament that can satisfy the hungry and thirsty soul.
  7. To preach Christ and Him crucified is to reveal again the revealed God who saves.
  8. Clarity enables mobility. When preachers make the message clear, the people of God are freed-up to follow Jesus.
  9. We Are Live! In this episode, we recorded a live show at the Here We Still Stand 2022 conference, so of course, we read Nietzsche and discussed salvation.
  10. This parable does its surprising work of turning everything upside-down, as Christ’s Kingdom always does.

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